Testing Service

CAHB can provide the following Testing Service

Kosmetik & Food testing service

1. Texture analyser: TA. XT plus Texture Analyser, USA
       1.1 Hair combing, hair tensile strength and hair friction
       1.2 Hardness (lipstick, pressed powder, bar soap…)
       1.3 Firmness, cohesiveness, consistency (lotion, cream, shampoo…)

2. Viscometer: Brookfield DV-I+, USA
Measure the viscosity of any cosmetics product

3. Stability Test: Sanyo MIR-154, Japan and MMM Incucell V111, Germany
       3.1 Testing conditions:
          3.1.1 RT and 45°C during 3 months
          3.1.2 Freeze/ thaw (-5°C/ 45°C) during 5 days (5 cycles/ 5 days)
       3.2 Assessment of the following criteria
          3.2.1 Color, odor, appearance
          3.2.2 pH
          3.2.3 Viscosity
4. Microscope: Olympus BX51 with digital camera, Japan
       4.1 Droplet size measurement
       4.2 Liquid crystals determination

5. Scale-up: Axomix 25-50, Italy
For emulsions and surfactant based products
       5.1 Capacity: 2-5 Liters
       5.2 Specification:
          5.2.1 Turbine/ homomixer, maximum speed: 3,000 rpm

6. Microbiology tests
For cosmetics and food products
       6.1 Total Bacterial Count
       6.2 Total Yeast and Mold Count
       6.3 Preservative Efficacy Test (Challenge Test)
       6.4 Pathogenic Microbial Determination

Testing Service To handle the market changes and all needs of customers, CMC has sought more manufacturers regularly to promptly satisfy and fulfill all requirements. Apart from distributing industrial raw materials and health and beauty instruments, CMC group also provides formulations and technical information from CAHB center, local application centers, and suppliers.

Since the needs of customers on beauty are never-ending, CMC group emphasizes on continuous development including supply of raw materials through innovative approaches and to assist cosmetics manufacturers to produce innovative products to catch up with the beauty trends.

We provide a variety of product categories and services for cosmetics and home care industries as follows:

Skin care, Sun care, Make up, Oral care, Hair care, Toiletries, Home care
CMC group supplies raw materials related to cosmetics by selecting those with high quality from all parts of the world.

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